Tutorial with Claude
22.09.2024, Beginn 18:00 Uhr
Tutorial with Claude

In addition to our ongoing seminars, we would like to invite you to our monthly tutorial sessions. The tutorial not only offers a great opportunity to discuss together outside of the seminars, clarify open questions and deepen what you have learned, but it also allows you to stay in dialog with other program participants in an intimate setting.

The tutorial starts in February 2024 and takes place online via Zoom every fourth Sunday of the month from 18:00 to 19:30. Participation is voluntary and open to all interested parties.


If you are interested in participating in the tutorial, please send us a message to info@dharmadhara.de. During the tutorial sessions, we will not only answer questions about the content, but will also be available for general questions about Dharmadhara and your study planning.

We look forward to inspiring discussions and learning together in the Dharmadhara tutorial!

Important note for all participants of the Dharmadhara Study and Practice Program:
To receive credits for the course, please have the certificate of participation signed by the instructor.